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In The Press

Bloom Where Planted

A sad and beautiful story of how a woman can persevere after being abused and hurt again and again by the people she's supposed to be able to trust. I feel like we have all been Ava at some point in our lives. This book gives hope to anyone growing up "in the system" or poverty. Ava proved we make our own destiny's. Her story made me feel stronger. Thank you your bravery in sharing your story and I'm so happy you found your path. 

Jennifer Gulley

Bloom Where Planted by Winifred Grace and Ava McCarthy is an easy read about a woman who overcame many destructive occurrences during her childhood. Born into an abusive family where illegal drugs were sold and used, Ava tells a childhood story of a journey through the foster care, group homes, and lock-up facilities. I became aware of a culture I didn’t want to believe existed in the United States today. The story is told with sadness, humor, defeat and tenacity. The author truly overcame many difficulties to become a healthy, vibrant, woman. The book won both gold and silver awards for writing. 

Peggy Best

Out of the Dark: A Direction for Change in Education

"Out Of The Dark" is a call to arms for curriculum development as leadership.  It provides a platform for curriculum leaders of all kinds to take a collective journey of understanding out an era of standardization and de-skilling to one of professional growth and change.  A Must-Read!

Rose Ylimaki

In the hearts of many educators is a strong belief that something is basically wrong with America’s educational system. Dr. Samford clearly exposes one of the major pervasive problems and authors a message that is too clear to ignore. Readers will find educational history, philosophy and revolution, all rolled into one.

Richard J. Welsh

National Educational Consultant Director Co-Teach America ​VP, NOBOX Inc., Educational Consulting Corporation

Calling all educators who are passionate about working as lead professionals for society's democratic ideals and values! Wendy Samford has written a book that serves as an inspirational model and guide for your professional aspirations. Her text provides the information you need to function as an insightful critic, collegial leader, and pedagogical artist.

James G. Henderson

Professor Of Curricular Studies, Rebecca Tolle & Burton W. Gorman Chair For Leadership In Education, Kent State University

It's important to listen to the words of life-long in-school educators, like Samford, who can connect to the policy issues to what happens to real-life teachers and kids.  Chock full of details and ideas about how we should respond.

Deborah Meier

Public School Teacher; Principle, Author

Creating a Culture for Teacher Leaders: A Vision for Change and Hope

In our last staff meeting, I could just see the stress on my colleagues' faces. It was like I was reading their minds- Here we go again, another year for you to prove that I am just a developing or skilled teacher. I could only think of what I had been reading, "Our duty is to begin to dialogue when something is questionable."(Samford, 2016, p.29) and "Those who believe in a better end must forge a new path."(p.31). Which new path am I to take, one for students, teachers, or both? I have been in their shoes. I have been on a plan because of students' scores. I know how hard I worked to prove, I am not what your evaluation of my students says I am, I did add value to my students. My colleagues have added value to students, too. I have also watched the faces of my students as they suffer through biweekly tests and formal state testing. The look of relief on my daughter's face after she finishes her week of testing.


Your book has given me the courage to begin to ask more questions and not accept the answer.  Who is willing to step up and not accept the answer given, then ask the next question that will offer the best solution?  Staff, unions, or central offices? 

Middle School Teacher


Teacher leadership is coming into the fore as we realize that the role of school leaders is to spawn widespread teacher leadership. What is great about ‘Creating a Culture of Support for Teacher Leaders’ is that the chapters weave the symbiotic experiences of teachers and administrators working together to change the culture of schools in sustainable ways. A book that unleashes the power of teacher leadership for the good of all.

Michael Fullan

Professor Emeritus OISE/University of Toronto

This important new book sheds light on the importance of leadership, in multiple roles and forms, for improving the performance of schools.  For educators and others who seek to break new ground and to create schools that are truly responsive to the needs of all students, this book will be enlightening.

Pedro A. Noguera, PhD

Distinguished Professor of Education UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

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