Wendy Samford Ph.D.
How to Handle With Care
Handle With Care (HWC) is a simple program intended to keep kids succeeding in school. Basically, if the police are called to a home where there are children present, they send a "Handle With Care" notice to the school.
The message is then distributed to school personnel before the bell rings the next day to let them know something traumatic has happened to that child. How to Handle With Care was written to help answer the question so many people have: "How do I start this program?"
This book presents several ways to implement HWC in your state, county, or school and within the guidelines of your local law enforcement agency. Thus, you can set up your own program by selecting bits and pieces you deem workable in your community and avoid those that are not. This book represents a collage of ingenuity and, hopefully, will spark ideas specifically relevant to your local requirements.

“This book presents various implementation strategies for HWC across the U.S. It is a must-read for law enforcement as they develop training for their agencies. As one of the pioneers for this program, I wish I had this resource to share with people as they moved forward with their programs.”
- Lt. Chad Napier,
Retired Charleston WV Police Dept.
“Handle With Care has been a wonderful asset for Ohio’s schools, helping to ensure children dealing with trauma are getting the support they need.”
- Molly Stone, LSW/OCPC/ICPS, Senior Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion Manager, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
“This fast-read guide is a blessing for communities starved for ways to stop systemic trauma in education and juvenile law. Let’s Handle With Care nationwide. Every school. Every town. Every day.”
- Carey Smith Sipp, Director Strategic Partnerships and Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD, LCSW, Director of CQI & Criminal Justice Consultant, PACEs Connection